Sunday, February 28, 2010


Finding roots of polynomials

Much attention has been given to the special case that the function f is a polynomial; there exist root-finding algorithms exploiting the polynomial nature of f. For a univariate polynomial of degree less than five, we have closed form solutions such as the quadratic formula. However, even this degree-two solution should be used with care to ensure numerical stability, the degree-four solution is unwieldy and troublesome. Higher-degree polynomials have no such general solution, according to the Abel–Ruffini theorem (1824, 1799).

For real roots, Sturm's theorem provides a guide to locating and separating roots. This plus interval arithmetic combined with Newton's method yields a robust algorithm, but other choices are more common.

One possibility is to form the companion matrix of the polynomial. Since the eigenvalues of this matrix coincide with the roots of the polynomial, one can use any eigenvalue algorithm to find the roots of the polynomial. For instance the classical Bernoulli's method to find the root greater in modulus, if it exists, turns out to be the power method applied to the companion matrix. The inverse power method, which finds some smallest root first, is what drives the Jenkins–Traub method and gives it its numerical stability and fast convergence even in the presence of multiple or clustered roots.

Laguerre's method, as well as Halley's method, use second order derivatives and complex arithmetics, including the complex square root, to exhibit cubic convergence for simple roots, dominating the quadratic convergence displayed by Newton's method.

Bairstow's method uses Newton's method to find quadratic factors of a polynomial with real coefficients. It can determine both real and complex roots of a real polynomial using only real arithmetic.

The simple Durand–Kerner and the slightly more complicated Aberth method simultaneously finds all the roots using only simple complex number arithmetic.

The splitting circle method is useful for finding the roots of polynomials of high degree to arbitrary precision; it has almost optimal complexity in this setting. Another method with this style is the Dandelin–Gräffe method (actually due to Lobachevsky) which factors the polynomial.

Wilkinson's polynomial illustrates that high precision may be necessary when computing the roots of a polynomial.

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